. Wholesale Bearing UAZ 3056207K gearbox secondary shaft 3207 in stock and on sale Manufacture and Supplier |VSPZ

VSPZ Auto Zvikamu Zvinosangana

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Kutakura UAZ 3056207K gearbox yechipiri shaft 3207 mu stock uye pakutengeswa

Tsanangudzo Pfupi:

Rudzi urwu runoshandiswa muindasitiri yemotokari - inoshandiswa seyekutakura yeUAZ gearbox (inotyairwa shaft) yemhando 2206, 3151, 3153, 3160, 3303, 3741, 3909, 3962, 452, 469 (uye kugadziridzwa).Iyo zvakare yakaiswa muforklift marori uye mamwe mayunitsi.

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